Birth control and ttc?


I’m trying to get pregnant a little down the road and was wondering since my period is irregular, if I were to take birth control to regulate my cycle-but after a few months (or whenever we fully think we’re ready to conceive) could I not take the pill the whole week before I should ovulate? Because if I get off it fully, I won’t have a period for like 7 months and then I can’t tell when I ovulate. But if I take the pill, I won’t technically ovulate(?) so like I said do y’all think it’s wise to just stop the pill during a month for a week and if it happens it may or not be a fertile month. I probably couldn’t do it like that every month because the levels will get all wonky and so will my cycle ... any information on this or anything y’all want to recommend or suggest let me know down below, I’m just curious as to what I can do besides taking ovulation tests and bbt everyday.
