How not to hate my boyfriend?

Rant post šŸ˜¤šŸ˜©

Our baby is 10 weeks old. Iā€™m trying not to be so strict about things and be a ā€œcool momā€ but thereā€™s a few things that are ā€œbasicsā€ for me. Like washing or sanitising my hands before touching him especially if I touched things that other people did too and of course after using the toilet. Iā€™m asking everyone to wash their hands before touching my baby. Now thereā€™s daddy, my boyfriend, and I donā€™t know if all the men are doing this or just him, but heā€™s constantly touching his penis. Just like a habit or I donā€™t know... I already told him not to touch the baby after doing this or go and clean his hands first, but I have to remind him all the time and it makes me so angry. I canā€™t talk to him nicely anymore. And also because I feel like taking care of our baby comes like an instinct to me, if heā€™s crying or uncomfortable I usually know how to calm him and what he needs. My boyfriend doesnā€™t and is not really trying to figure out, he just lets him cry while laying on the bad scrolling on his phone or laptop.. I feel like I canā€™t trust him around the baby and heā€™s not listening to me. When I tell him he doesnā€™t like this or that position, try that way, he doesnā€™t, heā€™s like ā€œoh he must be hungryā€ or ā€œ ir he sick, whatā€™s wrongā€ but heā€™s not stupid, He must know that heā€™s not sick or anything. Heā€™s just lazy to do things ā€œproperlyā€. When I go to have a shower and leave them together, my son is screaming so bad. I come in, find them on the bed, my boyfriend is on his phone, babyā€™s crying laying on his back (he hates laying down). He wouldnā€™t pick him up or put him in the rocker or anything. Mommy will do everything. Nappy changes, bath time, everything.

Tonight this

penis touching then baby touching happened again and I got so mad like why is it so fucking difficult to clean your hands??? Or try and get to know your son as heā€™s yours too so I could maybe wash my hair or clean our room or cook dinner or something.

I feel like after giving birth the love between us just kind of went away or I donā€™t know. I feel different ad he does too. We are so different. And many problems didnā€™t come up before having the baby. I donā€™t know what should I do I just feel so alone in parenthood. He always forgets everything, starts a 100 thing at once but never finishes any of it and I didnā€™t care before having a baby but now itā€™s just annoying. And Iā€™m so sad and ashamed about feeling this way. What do you ladies think? How do you get on with your partners after having a baby?? Is he helping out?? How?

Am I overreacting it?