My mother in law is uncomfortable when I breastfeed

Taylor • Lucky Mom of one beautiful baby boy!

I was pumping today in the comfort of my own home when my mother in law came over. She was obviously uncomfortable with the fact that I was pumping saying “oh um fun”and ignored my existence till I was done and covered up. Is it bad I was kinda ticked off? It’s my house!! I’m just pumping! She’s made comments before and generally avoids me when I’m feeding even if I’m covered up. It’s weird because she breastfed her kids, why is it strange for her to see me breastfeed mine?

-Edit- thanks for letting me vent!!

Just the way she acts makes me feel like she thinks I’m being inappropriate. She has never said this but has implied that breastfeeding should only happen behind closed doors. It annoys me because if I had to do wait for a free room every time I needed to feed my son would starve. Im not swinging my tits around in some kind of strip tease I’m just feeding a baby!! Plus I cover up when I’m at her house and try to be respectful of her feelings but when it’s my house I feel I should be able to nurse or pump in the way that makes me and my baby most comfortable!