I AM DESPERATE AND LOSING MY MIND SOMEONE PLEASE HELP.. recurrent vaginal infections!!!!


Okay, so im gonna start from the beginning. My boyfriend and i have been together for almost a year now. No new partners just us together. We were having sex for 3 to 4 months, until i started getting recurring bv, yeast and uti infections. I would take rounds of antibiotics and it would seem to clear up for the most part, but whenever my boyfriend and i have sex again, i flare up. I have been to numerous doctors, who are now telling me that all my tests are coming back negative. But i know that something is VERY WRONG down there. My symptoms are: pressure in the bladder, feels like a uti. White film like looking discharge, looks like yeast! And also vaginal irritation, very red and looks swollen. Yet i still have doctors telling me "that is your normal discharge and nothing is wrong" or I'll get the "i just dont really know what to tell you" look from them. As of tonight i am writhing in pain because whatever the heck is going on with me feels like i have BV, UTI AND YEAST at the same time.... so why are my tests coming back negative? I have thought about being tested for something called UREAPLASMA and i feel like ive read up enough info about it and other peoples horror stories to feel like this might be what im experiencing. I guess i just want to know if anyone else is going through or has gone through what i am, and what they did or have been doing to fix it! I have become extremely depressed to the point where this is totally ruining my life. My boyfriend is being supportive but this has made me so insecure. I have completely turned into a different person. It's so hard to be positive when I'm constantly uncomfortable. Someone please help. I need help. :( please.