Trying to conceive for a year


Hi so I thought I would tell my experience , I have 3 kids the youngest is going to be 2 years old 3 months after I had her I went on birthday control, and 3 months after being on birth control we decided why not try again and get this 4baby out of the way so we can be done with kids . Well... not knowing so much about birth control and knowing when to stop I stopped taking it the first week of my new pack , 3days after out of no where I started heavily bleeding for two days then it completely stopped that was on November 2017 that December I didn’t get a period and January 2018 I finally got a period and it was light and unfortunately we thought maybe I should get back on birth control and just wait a few months or a year to try again and In that same month my husband changed his mind 🙄 and said let keep trying for our 4th baby . So I finished the pack and In February I missed a period so I thought I was pregnant but I kept getting negative test, March came along and I got my period . Then in april I missed a period . So the pattern kept going on like this the rest of the year I would go a month or two without a period or a get two periods in one month , it was very frustrating and I finally went to the doctor and all they said was to keep trying it’ll happen especially since I al ready given birth . Well January 2019 I went back to the doctor and requested to check or do more to find out what’s going on because it’s been a year , they check thyroid , sugar, and a bunch of other test and it came out normal in February they asked me to come back for some blood test they did they also did a pregnancy test that day that was negative so they wanted to do an ultrasound in a few days to look deeper , well on that ultrasound I saw a gestational sac but it was empty and I didn’t say anything about it but I didn’t want to feel disappointed the tech didn’t say anytthing either . Anyway while waiting a few more days to go back and discuss the ultrasound I decided to take a home pregnancy test and it cam out positive. I was so confused , even when I went back to the doctor all she said was they saw something but it was too soon to tell if their was a baby in there so they had me so a pregnancy test and it was positive. In a few weeks later I had another ultrasound and it showed the heartbeat 💗 I was so relieved so all the other test my hcg levels were too low even a blood test .

Just want to note that when I would skip periods I also had discharge a lot was brown to very dark brown some days were light pink but then eventually it turned into my period . Sorry that was long and I hope this can somewhat help someone out. Let me know if you have any questions and good luck to everyone 🙂