Why won’t a doctor really help me?


It seems doctors truly fear high risk or geriatric pregnancies. (Both of this phrases annoy me to death!!). I’m a very young 42, never had children but went through the checking of my tubes and testing for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> before I met my fiancé. This process took place 4 years ago.

I have recently discovered I have endometriosis, a fibroid in my uterus and blocked tubes. I’m very confused how all this could happen since my last pregnancy clearance for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>?!

When I’ve gone to the OB and fertility Dr they both retreat and hand me those two phrases above.

I KNOW I’m not too old. I KNOW there are treatments to help me and even if I can’t have a baby, (while it’s heartbreaking) I shouldn’t be treated like there’s no hope.

I’m from TX where we have amazing Drs. I’m currently in OKC, been here almost a year and heading back to TX in a few months...are the Drs here just behind the times?

Or am I missing something here?

Even the Vet here asks how old my dog is, I say he’s 9 and two different vets have both said “ohhhh, he’s niiiine”. Drawn out and sad as if he’s knocking on deaths door. Nothing is even wrong with him aside from an ear infection. ??? I’m sooooo confused by the doom and gloom I’ve experience in my short time here. Maybe it’s a coincidence but that’s one hell of a coincidence. 2 doctors telling me I have no hope and 2 vets acting like my dog is going to die tomorrow.

Anyone else experience this attitude from their doctor and what did you do?