
I’ve been getting headaches the past few days. On and off. I’m 15wks. History of preeclampsia; I was induced for developing it at 39 weeks with my first pregnancy and ended up in c-section. I have an appointment on Monday and I have a call in to my doctor. I’m supposed to start baby aspirin. I guess I don’t really have a question. I’m just trying to get it out there so I have somewhere to go when I get stressed out. I’m worried that I’m going to get pre-e and my chances of vbac will be stripped from me. I’m worried that My job is making me more stressed out and will cause me to have pre-e. I’m worried that I’m not taking good enough care of myself this time around because now I have a toddler and no time to dedicate to me. Unfortunately, compassion fatigue and burnout are common in my line of work (veterinary Technician), and I’m not sure if I’m just hormonal or over it. Ugh.