I like this guy?


Let’s call him Joseph. I’ve known him for three years. More like known of him as we’ve never really talked a full conversation before. I don’t know what he likes or anything. But I really want to talk to him, he always looks so lonely and sad. Maybe it’s just his resting face but I can’t get over it. He just looks so sad and depressed and lonely everywhere he goes. So my plan is to talk to him this week. Or soon since school is getting hectic. He’s tried to talk to me a few times before, but I could never hear him because he talked so quietly. Another time I was in band and my friend was passing chocolates to everyone for no reason and I asked for some, and Joseph got some before I did and he quickly walked up to me, gave me the rest of his chocolates, and walked away so fast I couldn’t even say thank you. I was speechless. And I get so nervous when he talks to me and I’m afraid to go up to him and start a convo. And he keeps sitting by me. He seems like a shy guy, but more open when you get to know him. I need conversation starters haha.

Is he interested in me? I’m really bad at being able to tell these things. Idk why I like him either, he just looks perfect in my eyes. But then I tell myself I can’t like him if I don’t even know what he’s like personality wise. It wouldn’t make sense. But he seems sweet?

I wish I wasn’t so nervous. I really want to talk to him. But I feel like people will judge me if I talk to him. He’s popular, and hangs out with all the popular guys, yet he still seems lonely. Every time I see him he’s sitting by himself. And whenever I’m by him he’s always looking at me or like looking back in my direction. I get all flustered when we make eye contact. I just wish I could talk to him in a quiet place so I could hear him haha and so people don’t stare. But I have a feeling I won’t get that chance.
