Do you think that he went too far?


So, my boyfriend is friends with a girl that I don't like because she was always hitting on him. I would tell him but beat around the bush and not say it directly that I was very uncomfortable with him hanging out with her. We are both in theatre together and we went to our bi-district competition and we were watching the show after ours. So, our whole cast/crew was sitting together and we were at an angle that didnt have the best view. Well she was sitting with us too and he asked if we wanted to move and I said yes because I couldn't really see, so I moved and he didnt move with me. He sat in the gap I made instead with her. I was a bit mad but tried to let it go so I could watch the show. I was sitting alone and my anxiety was pretty high already and the show and him not sitting with me didnt make it any better, so as soon as it was over I rushed out and he didnt follow. He didnt text me until after the second show was over still not checking on me and I was still super anxious and my friend had to talk me down. After the competition (we didnt advance to area) we were leaving to go eat and the girl I didnt like (let's call her Casey) was sobbing and no ones else was because we respected that the other 2 were better, yet she thought it was everyone else fault we didnt advance except hers. a couple days later my director asked if I was ok and if our relationship was. I was a little confused and asked why she asked. Well, turns out he put his arm around her while they were watching a play and a cast member was concerned that we broke up. I was furious. I confronted him and he said it was for comfort but he made a promise before that he wouldnt do anything with her that would potentially cause a fight. I was so heart broken about it and I still am. It really hurts that I trusted him so much and he did that. I admit I might be over reacting but my past relationships have all ended with my significant other cheating on me, and it has really affected my mental and physical health. It hurts thinking about it. So, what do you guys think? Feel free to dm me as well.

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