Are these numbers okay?!

I had spotting on Monday which brought me to the ER. They did an ultrasound and drew blood. On Monday my numbers were 4147, and when they checked them again 2 days later (not quite 48 hours) it was 6487. They said that they would have wanted it to rise more, but that they have “seen it go either way” which is discouraging. I did have spotting again also, the same day I had the second blood draw, but it was not much blood at all and stopped basically directly after it started. They are thinking it would be from an irritated cervix. Could picking up and carrying a 10 month and almost 3 year old irritate my cervix? Do the numbers look okay to you guys? Has anyone had numbers look like that?

*i was 5w 5d for first blood draw and 6w for the second