Anxious about Amnio


Due to elevated risk for Trisomy’s on our 2nd Maternal Serum screen we decided to go with Amnio testing to give us definite answers. I had it done yesterday and I’m just past the 24 hour mark since it was complete. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be pain wise. I had one decent cramp with the needle and since I’ve been pretty much pain free. Normally the rapid results come in within two days so the doctor told us either late Friday or on Monday. I’m really praying for Friday. After the amnio was over I had a sense of relief of now I’ve done everything I can do to get the best answers. But every now and again I still feel like a wreck my chances were 1:107 on the serum screen. I know there’s a chance of false positives on those tests and amnio could come back perfect. We had a loss due to different abnormality in Nov 2016 and this is our first successful pregnancy since. We have a 7 year old boy who is really excited about becoming a big brother. Thanks for taking the time to read this as I know it’s a long and there isn’t much of a point to the post other than to get out my emotions. 🌈💛