Need to vent

Ok what is with people seriously?!?!?!! I am so tired of people being so judgmental and murmuring behind my back thinking I don't hear them!! Ok so here's my story. I am pregnant with my third child (a little boy!! 💙😊)... I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old (both girls). I am also lucky enough to have a 10 year old stepdaughter that we have 50% custody of. I also take care of my 18 month old nephew 2 days a week. Whenever I go out to the store or anywhere else with my girls and my nephew (or even if it's just my girls) people are always talking about how many children I have and a lot  are not very nice about it! What business is it of yours how many children my husband and I decide to have?? If we are fully capable of having these children and raising them happily then we will. Do we plan on having more after our son is born? No, but so what if we did. We are in no way shape or form rich, but we budget and spend wisely so our family does fine. I just don't understand why people think they need to sit there and discuss other people's family and decisions!! I don't care how many kids you have and sure wouldn't say things about it as you walk by. That's all your business not mine. So quit running your mouth about me and my family! End of rant...