not getting any attention.

my boyfriend is staying with me. lately for a couple weeks he hasn't been paying any attention to me. i asked him if anything was going on with him and he keeps denying something's wrong. he doesn't seem depressed or sad at all. he always has a smile on his face. this whole situation is weird because he doesn't even have to stay with me. he has his own house and can do whatever he does at mine, at his own house. i really don't see the point of him being here. when i walk into a room, he doesn't even acknowledge me. when i tease him and start taking off my clothes, he doesn't even look at me. when i try to cuddle, he doesn't even cuddle back. he only shows love when he feels like it, it seems. idk if he's not attracted to me anymore or if someone else has his interest. he doesn't even kiss me back when i try to kiss him. better yet, he doesn't kiss me at all anymore. i know communication is the key but talking to him is like talking to a freaking wall.