Finally Truly Happy.


I bet I’m not the only one who has let men control them. When I was 14 as a freshman I dated a junior, he convinced me I wasn’t aloud to wear make up and stupid shit like that or he would break up with me. I was 14 I thought that’s what you had to to being with an older guy. WRONG! When I was a sophomore at 16, I dated another junior. At first everything was fine. Then it got out of wack. I’m talking he put a tracker app on my phone. Made me ASK HIM if I could go places. I’m sorry for my language but who the actual fuck did he think he was?! Now I’m here at 17 years old happy as can be with the most wonderful guy I have ever met, he treats me with respect. He lets me live and wear the make up and only asks me to text him when I am home so he knows I’m safe. After all the bullshit I finally found my Prince Charming. He is absolutely amazing. From the day I met him I feel like I just knew. We’re 4 months strong so far we have many many more to go. Point is don’t let BOYS control you ladies. Find yourself a true MAN.