6-month old, sleeping arrangements/how long?


We have an odd schedule right now, my husband works as an engineer in the oilfield, and is gone from home 7-days straight and then he’s home solid the following 7-days.

So being alone at the house with our baby, I want her in my room with me. That being said, we have a pack and play now, and the crib in her own room. But she’s still co-sleeping with us. She will sleep the entire night in our bed, but it’s obviously not ideal and I would like to move forward at least to the next step in the pack in play, beside me all night.

What I’m really wanting to know, is what are your babies sleeping arrangements and how long are they staying down at night? Also, we have tried the crying it out method max 10-min. Do we repeat all night until it sticks? I NEED YOUR TIPS! Thank you! 🙏🏼