Pos pregnancy test after thinking I was ovulating late


Hello! I just thought I would put this up for anyone searching for this in future.

I have erratic cycles and was even unsure if I was ovulating. I was doing CBD advanced OPK tests and when I ran out I was using Ovuplan OPK. I started getting obvious positives on the Ovuplan last Sunday on CD23 after getting none on the clear blue digital advanced OPK for the week prior. I thought that was my ovulation - it wasn’t unusual for me to have longer cycles.

I started to get sore boobs a few days after the initial pos OPK so thought I’d try and see if I was ovulating after a false start. It was positive again. Today CD28 it was even darker (darker than I’ve ever received during suspected ov) and on a whim I took a pregnancy test at the same time which came up clear positive within a minute. Confirmed later with CB Digital ‘Pregnant 2-3’. I’m still unsure of when it happened and I’m in complete shock. My guess is I am 5 weeks.

So for those wondering why they’re getting a late cycle pos OPK, try a pregnancy test 😆. Funny thing is, I went to the doctor today and she was sending me to the specialist next cycle to see when I was ovulating and to make sure I actually was.

Weird stuff!