Weight loss..

After my boyfriend (now SO) went to bootcamp, I decided to eat better and join Planet Fitness. I was 200 pounds only being 17 years old few months shy of being 18. I absolutely HATED my body. Girls at my high school had such good body's, that it'd make me very self conscious. I was constantly worried about my boyfriend cheating on me because I was on the chubby side. Keep in mind my boyfriend is very very muscular. I had no idea why he wanted to be with a chubby girl like me. Being 5'4, 17 yrs old, 200 lbs- I was DEFINITELY overweight. I had stretch marks on my side hips and a little on my lower stomach. Whenever I looked at myself in the mirror, I was disgusted. My confidence level was non-existent.

I joined the gym and worked my ass for 3 hours a day for 7 DAYS every week. I drink over 1 gallon of water everyday as well. I didn't take any weight loss pills, or diets,.. I literally ate the same thing everyday. Tablespoon of PB with 1 apple every morning, tuna & PB, & for dinner I'd have chicken, broccoli, and brown rice. In between meals, I'd eat almonds for a snack.

I slowly started seeing my results. My clothes felt loose (especially jeans), I'd get questions from peers at school asking "have you been working out?", "how much weight have you lost?", "what are you doing to lose weight?".

Those questions people would ask me boosted my confidence every time. I was actually starting to feel better about myself.

I had to have ALOT of motivation, dedication, self discipline, and of course- patience.

From being 200lbs in October of 2014, I'm now 135 pounds & I couldn't be happier.

I'm just letting all you lovely ladies that you CAN feel good about yourself. For me, it was by losing weight. If you're not happy with yourself, then do something about it. For ALONG time I wasn't happy with my weight, so I finally did something about the situation.

If any of you are currently trying to lose weight, please don't give up. It's not worth it. Why lose 10-20 pounds to just give it all up?...

This is me as of now. :)