Tell me if I’m in the wrong please

I don’t wanna get kicked out of here too.

So I got added to the Milky Mamas Facebook group by a friend since I’m already a mom who breastfed with my first and I plan to breastfeed this baby again when he’s born. Last night a member posted, “the daycare fed my 3 mo. old baby 21 oz. of my breast milk in 9 hours.” While it seems like much, I thought I wasn’t being mean, I asked if she cluster feeds at home and that most infants hit a growth-spurt around three months. That my pediatrician recommended introducing rice cereal at 3 months and to mix breastmilk in it.” And she responded, that she feeds on demand when she has baby... to be honest with that’s 7 oz. every three hours. Doesn’t seem impossible but I didn’t say that and everyone came at me saying cereal is outdated blah blah blah like I told her to put him on formula and I never responded. Woke up this morning and I was removed and blocked from the group. Was I in the wrong or are people just too sensitive?