Feels like I failed...(Long Post)


I have always had a fairly regular cycle--somewhere between 26 and 28 days faithfully. That is until around December of last year. I was expecting my period to begin on December 28, 2018. When it didn't show up after four whole days, I began to think that my husband and I were finally expecting. We have been TTC since before we got married. So, to have been together for over four years and finally have a glimpse of hope, one could say we were ecstatic! I had not had a period be more than one to two days late since I was pregnant with my daughter eight years ago. Well, when the new year came in, Aunt Flo decided to show. We both were pretty down about if for the entire day.

Once we came to terms with it, I tried my best not to get too excited again about my cycle being longer than normal. So, my next period came two days before it was expected, and the following period came the day it was expected. My last period for the month of March was due on the 28th. It didn't show. The next four days went by with no signs of a period. Another day went by with no period and I chose to take a test that morning which was negative. The following day I went to my OB-GYN for an annual checkup and a pregnancy test was done. These results were also negative, but he told me to come back in two weeks for bloodwork as it could have been a false negative since it was too early to tell.

My husband and I thought that we were finally expecting. He was more excited than me since this would be his first biological child. I wasn't as excited in the beginning, but yesterday I was beyond excited. However, today while I was at work, my body gave me signals that our expectations weren't spot on. Aunt Flo showed up and I was in so much pain physically and emotionally that I had to leave work early.

I chose not to tell my husband until he made it home from work. I had held my tears in all day until he said, "I thought we had it." We shed tears together while holding each other close. One thing I haven't told him is how I feel as though my body is failing me, as though I am failing my husband, in terms of having children together.

For quite some time now, I have known that something is wrong with my body regarding my reproductive system. I believe that I may have endometriosis. In January of this year, I found out that I have tiny fibroids on my uterus, but there is no way they could be causing such severe menstrual cramps and delaying my periods, right?!

If anyone has gone through something similar, feel free to share with me how you got through it. If you have been diagnosed with endometriosis, please tell me if what I experienced may be similar to your symptoms.