Finding Mrs right


Ive noticed that my whole life I been looking for Mrs right-now. It's been rough, looking back, but it's been worth it. I could be settled down with somebody I am unhappy with, or chasing females who have no interest in me, but I'm not. Truly grateful. I'm ready to settle down though. I'm interested in someone I work with, unfortunately she is in a relationship, and they live together. She's not the right one, I know, I just can't get past her. I've known her since 2007, we went to school together. Her brother dated my sister. I took this job to be closer to her, I guess try to rekindle something I missed out on so many years ago. Then boom, she's unavailable. It sucks. I'm not unhappy, or hurt. I'm just, stuck, hung up. I was engaged in high school so maybe that's what it feels like when the tables are turned. Maybe I'm just not the right person, right now. I moved last year, 2018, and I got my job back last week, but I haven't seen her yet. Yeet. I literally just need to move on. I'm trying to become the best version of myself that I can, so maybe one-day I can be Mr Right for somebody. It's been me, this whole time. I have always been Mr Right-Now and I just realized that. Mrs Right, I'm right here. This is for you.