Have you ever lost a tampon inside of you?


Maybe 6 months back I had to go to the doctors because every time I would have sex with my SO any juices that came back out would be a brown tinted color and smell pretty bad. I was worried that something was really wrong with me... or I got a STD. When I went to the doctors I of course got tested and everything came back fine.. did the inside exam and right away she knew what was wrong..

I had a tampon deep inside of my vagina.. so far I could not feel it or reach it even if I wanted too. I was mortified! She said that this happens to many woman and to not feel so bad about it.

Since I sleep in them, I guess I moved around too much and it ended up getting pushed to far in and I couldn't feel the string.. so she assumed I just put another one in when I woke up and pushes the original one even farther.

So this is a story of caution! But I also wanted to know if I was the only one? I wont post anonymous so I actually get more responses back...

Have you found a 'lost' tampon inside of you? Or had to go the doctor like me?

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