Just began my TTC journey after waiting for my husband to be ready!

Alexandria • #OhBaby 🌈

I just recently felt like I was pregnant, but I've never been pregnant before so I wasn't sure. I eventually got my period right after that and was a lot sadder than I expected to be.

My husband and I haven't been trying "on purpose." I have been wanting to be a mom since I was SUPER young. But he wasn't as ready as I was yet. We've been together for 3 years and got married last September. I've done my best not to push trying for babies because I did want to enjoy our time as a married couple first and I want to respect the way he feels about it too since he's a little younger than I am. But...

About 4 months ago, we stopped using contraception (WHICH AMAZED ME because he was adamant about not being ready before.) It turned from a 'not right now' to a 'if it happens, it happens.' I was gobsmacked that he was even willing to take THAT step. 😂

I've kept my yearning of wanting to be a Mommy and having babies with my best friend in the whole world respectfully in the background because I understand that it's a HUGE deal bringing a new little life into the world.

But since this last time that I really thought I might be pregnant and it didn't happen, it's all I've thought about from the time I wake up to the time that I go to sleep. That's how I ended up finding this app and joining the community.

I finally asked him (and told him I was terrified to bring it up, but still respected the way he felt if it was a no) if we could start intentionally trying.

And HE SAID YES!! And it wasn't an, "If you'll quit bugging me about it," yes.

It was a genuine, "I think it would be a wonderful thing to be a dad and I'm okay with trying" yes.

And as soon as we got off of video chat (we're both in the Navy and he's away for work) I started SOBBING. Lmao!!!

I'm so excited that he's finally comfortable enough and excited enough to be on the same page as me about it!! And I'm excited to start a huge journey!! ❤💕❤💕❤💕