What did your labour feel like?


Hi everyone! I’m compiling information for a blog post about labour that I’m writing.

I’d love it if as many of you could reply, the answers will be anonymous!

You can either describe it in a couple of words or full paragraphs doesn’t matter to me! I just think it’ll be helpful for new moms who are pregnant but have never been in before.

I had a c-section both times, although I was in labour the first time because I was induced. My second son was born Jan 3rd of this year.

To me it felt like the pain took me to another world. I would stop me in my tracks and while I was having a contraction the whole world seemed unreal like it didn’t really exist... I had to keep moving through them because if I stopped they became so unbearable. Yes they felt like extreme period pains, but for me it was almost like transcending into another universe!

I remember the pain as if it were yesterday even though my son is 13 years old now.

Please help me help other women!!

Oh, and for those wondering, my blog is babytalk.life and I’m a labour and delivery nurse with a passion for informing and educating new moms and families!