

Last night I came home and started having really bad abdominal cramps. Not uterine cramping like a period but bad food cramps. They resulted in vomiting and bad diarrhea. I’m so scared I got food poisoning but I had no fever and after throwing up and spending a half hour on the toilet and taking some pepto bismol my symptoms subsided. My husband is convinced it was just too much spinach or milk but I’ve eaten no differently than I usually do. Thursday night I had a shredded pork burrito with lettuce, cheese, sour cream, rice and bean. My husband had the same and didn’t get sick. Breakfast Friday I had a peach, blueberry smoothie with spinach milk and Greek yogurt. For lunch I had a croissant sandwich with roast beef, lettuce, Swiss cheese and tomatoes and a bowl of clam chowder. I wasn’t hungry when I came home so I just had a cup of hot cocoa and after found myself throwing everything up. I know there is an E.coli out break, but don’t know what food is contaminated. I know roast beef deli sandwich isn’t the best but I’ve had them before and the place is clean and reputable. That leaves the Swiss cheese, lettuce, tomatoe, spinach, clam chowder, milk in the cocoa or the burrito as culprits... I don’t think it was the burrito as my husband wasn’t sick. I feel fine this morning, but I’m terrified for my baby and wondering if I should go to the ER to be seen or not.... my symptoms are now resolved, but I’m still worried.. anyone else experience something like this strangely in the second trimester?