Nipple blister with yeast infection?


I have an outrageous nipple blister (and crack I guess) that won’t seem to heal. It’s been about a weak. I’m applying warm compress, massaging in hot shower and epsom salt bath.. keeps almost healing and coming back. Doesn’t seem to be a milk bleb bc I peeled part of it off and nothing came out. Plus it’s more clear/yellowish as if pus? Is this like a yeast infection blister? It’s even occasionally looked like a blood blister.

My baby developed a shallow latch so I thought maybe friction blister?

I’m continuing to nurse and pump but it feels like razor blades.

Please help! I’ve called the doctor and they prescribed an antibacterial tablet since it’s the weekend. I’m just worried it’s a yeast infection from the way it looks- but baby shows no signs of thrush. Neither of us have a fever.