i don’t know what to do anymore

i can’t keep talking to my husband about this over and over. i’m a stay at home mom. and i’m severely depressed. my friends can hardly hang out, i have no family here except for my mom, and my mom is always too busy to spend time with me or give me a break. my son is 5 months old and teething. so i’m by myself all day every day and he cries most of the day. i clean every day just for my husband to come home and make a mess and it’s just a never ending cycle. I can’t get a part time job because child care is expensive and my son has been so difficult from the start, I just have a hard time trusting people with him. i can’t think of anything to go do with my son that doesn’t cost money. i just got on lexapro for my depression and anxiety, but this is so hard. i’m in such a dark place. I guess I just needed to vent. me and my husband are having problems which isn’t helping anything