He keeps dropping centiles!!


I'm just looking for reassurance really. My 5 mo was born huge up above the 99th percentile but has come right down and is now just above the 25th.

He was ebf for 2 months but my supply was low, he fell to just above the 50th and we took the decision to formula feed, his weight stayed consistently on that line about a month and now it's started to fall again in the last 8 weeks.

We've been advised to see a gp in case it's a milk intolerance and to start weaning early.

He's such a happy wee boy, so content and so strong, he loves bouncing and people fussing him and he's hitting his milestones but I just keep convincing myself he's really poorly and something more sinister's going on.

Would just like to here some stories about healthy babies to make myself feel better about his weight 😭😭