dear teens TTC🤦🏼‍♀️

Bꪊꪀꪀꪗ • 23 yo | Twin mom | Mama of 4 | 💍

Firstly I’d like to say that this is not directed at those TTC when they are 18+ and married and living on their own and financially independent.

I think if you are an adult and are in a good place, you can make this mature choice to start a family, although you should try to enjoy as much as you can. Something i never listened to prior to having a baby.

I am 19 years old with a 2 week old and i just want to share something ,

At 18 i fell pregnant by a 38 year old man. (Note i dated an older guy because i thought he’d be more (mature and responsible) *not the case * and long story short he became controlling , mean and manipulative so i had to cut him off. He became very dangerous.

So sadly i had to go through my entire pregnancy by myself.. i spent many nights very pregnant and crying in my bed because i just needed someone to be there for me. Someone to massage my back and feet and be supportive. Someone to lean on.. i was alone. and now I’m raising a baby by myself..

My daughter is 2 weeks old. And let me tell you , it is NOT easy! There is this fantasy with teens who think raising a baby is easy and that they will make time for other things and that’s a huge laugh. You will have time for nothing.

Your friends WILL treat you differently , pretend to support you while you’re pregnant and then when you have the baby, they will stay connected on social media but they won’t come to visit you , they won’t hang out , they will make excuses and keep pushing things.

You WILL feel alone ! You will feel stuck, and you will be tired and stressed out.

I get no sleep at night to the point where i have break downs, i am constantly breast feeding and sitting in one spot all day because I’m tired and exhausted!

I don’t get alone time or time to relax, and getting a break is the most precious thing in the world.

I wish i knew how hard this would be. I wish i knew.

So be wise! Listen to those of us who KNOW what it’s like ! You have no idea and no experience to know, so the fantasy that it will be easy and simply is a lie you are telling yourself.

You will have ALL the time in the world to have children. But you don’t have all the time in the world to be young and free.. you only get one chance.

When people tell you to enjoy these years you have , they aren’t doing it to be cruel ! They are doing it to protect you because THEY KNOW!

I promise you , you will feel the same way if you have a baby at this age. You will look back and wonder what you’d be doing, you’ll watch your friends have all this freedom and you’ll feel so alone and disappointed in yourself.

Babies are blessings yes, but so is experiencing all parts of life..

I don’t regret my baby and i love her to my core. She is apart of me.. but i wish i would have known what i do now.. please wait.

This was me the other night having a breakdown at 2 AM due to frustration and no sleep, my baby had been screaming crying because of colic.