Give me some hope here


So on March 28th 2019 i had my tubal reversal.

I was told in July that I was ok to have kids. I am 41, I had testing done blood work, everything.

I have not had my period in 2 months. I went to the dr and stated my concern, the dr. Had literally made me feel awful about my Choices. Said well your to old to have anymore kids, it went on and on with this. Then she took blood. 2 days later she called me and told me that my fsh levels are high like a woman on perimenopause, and that I wasted my money, and i won't be able to have kids.

How is this even possible, where do I go now. My husband and I have been planning this for 4 years but didnt have the money till now.

I dont know how to tell my husband we wasted our money and we will never have kids.

Please give me a sign or shred of hope that this is not my fate and i will still be able to have a baby