My baby boy born April 2


Went in for an induction Sunday night and was started on cytotec was having contractions every 6 min all night but wasn’t really feeling them. Went four rounds of that and effaced fully and dilated two cm. They started me on pitocin at 1pm on Monday and my contractions started to pick up but honestly felt fine for most of them. Slowly increased pitocin until doctor came in around 6:30pm. I was dilated to a three so she decided to break my water. She had a bit of a hard time getting the hook in right so it was pretty uncomfortable but after a few try’s she got it. Things really picked up about an hour later. I was starting to have a lot of pain so I decided to get into the tub. That helped a ton. Stayed there for about an hour then moved to the bed to rest. Started getting really uncomfortable and overwhelmed. Nurses suggested I get on my hands and knees to relieve my back pain but it just made the stomach pain WAY worse. Decided to try the gas and it did nothing for me. After about 20 min I gave up on that and after a very serious conversation with my mom decided to get the epidural even though I was absolutely terrified. It took about an two hours to get someone in to do it because the two anesthesiologists were busy on emergency calls. They ended up calling someone in from home to do it for me. Finally he showed up and we got the show on the road. I’m having some pretty intense contractions at this point and my anxiety was on high. He started doing his thing and when he went to insert the wire I had my biggest contraction of my labor thus far. I screamed out in pain and tried my best to stay still but damn it was hard. He finally got me all set up and immediately the edge was taken off and soon my whole torso was numb. It was probably 11pm at this point so I decide to try and get some sleep. My nurse came in every hour to rotate me to keep me numb on both sides. I could still feel everything in my cervix and vagina. Around 2:30am I woke up to a strong feeling of my body trying to push. My nurse checked me and I was at 8 cm. We got me on my back and soon started pushing. By 3:30am I was full fledge pushing. My bub was face up and got stuck under my pelvic bone. He was start to get through and then I’d stop pushing and he’d slide back. She got the push bar out And she had me pull on a sheet. After three or four rounds he was finally out from my pelvic bone and moving nicely. We took it nice and slow at this point and my nurse was amazing using a hot towel and supporting my perineum and coaching me. Soon he was crowning and my doctor was called. She came into the room and was like oh my goodness she’s further than I expected and ran to get her covers so we could deliver. Soon she was there and I was pushing with everything I had. I remember being in so much pain and looking at my doctor and her telling me I was at the point of no return and to just keep pushing. It took everything I had and with two pushes my little man was on my chest and looking right into my eyes. Soon my placenta was delivered and my doctor was stitching up my 1st degree internal tear. She kept ranting and raving about how amazing my delivery was for a first time mom and an OP baby especially with his size. I never expected to love this little dude this much.

Quintin Anthony Jackson born April 2nd at 5:02am weighing in at 9lbs and 20.5in long.