Help!!! Should I go to the ER???

I know <a href="">Eve</a> isn’t the place to ask, or for people to “diagnose” me, but I just need some second opinions on this.

For the last 2 hours, I have had STABBING pains to the right of my belly button/lower right stomach. It hurts when I breathe in/out and when I move in any way. I’ve taken medical classes and I’m about to be a CNA but still can’t diagnose myself, the irony in that🤦🏻‍♀️. Anyways, it’s been really bad. On a scale of 1-10, it’s at about a 5/6. The first thing I think is appendicitis, but I don’t want to go to the ER and waste thousands of dollars on blood tests and cat scans just to find out nothing is wrong.

If y’all were in the same place, would you go? I live with my parents since I’m 17, and I’d feel bad to make them wake up early on their day off to take me for a stomach ache if it’s not appendicitis. Thoughts?? Opinions???