My birthday, with a fast and furious surprise!

April • Mama of 3

It’s my turn to share!

I turned 33 yesterday, April 6. I said months ago that I bet I would go into labor on my bday... I was right! Contractions started at around 7am. They came regularly and progressively got worse so I knew we were finally dealing with the real thing. By 9:30am they were getting so much harder to get through. We made arrangements for my big kids (10&8) since it was my week with them. Their dad and I have an every other week schedule. We had to go pick up my 10 yr old from her friends house which was 25 mins away, then we were going to go back to our town to drop them off at Derek’s brothers house then head to the hospital. 11:00am comes, we’re on our way to get my daughter and I said to Derek “we need to go straight to the hospital after we get her. Angie is going to have to meet us there.” The hospital is a good 45 mins from where. They put me straight in a L&D suite as I called on the way and they knew I was in active labor. Got in the room at 12:15, contractions got INSANE! The OB checked me between 12:35 and 12:40 and I was at 5cm, she could feel the water bag, but said it wasn’t ready to rupture. She got to the door and my water broke! 2 minutes later they called her back in because everything went into high speed. She checked again immediately and I was an 8! My body began pushing automatically and there was no stopping it. She checked again and I was complete and ready! I pushed 2 times and out came Levi! He was born at 12:49pm! We are the talk of the hospital with how fast he came! Born at 38 weeks, 6lbs12oz and 19.5 inches and perfectly healthy! I had one small 2nd degree tear that required one stitch, but I feel fantastic. We are so in love!