The real deal

Erika • Mommy to two angels😇and little baby boy, Wyatt💙💚

Everyone always tells you, “you’ll know when you’re in labor” Well let me tell you that’s not true. 37 weeks exactly on March 28th I went to the hospital in excruciating pain. I couldn’t walk or talk through my contractions and I was crying. I was admitted but only dilated to a 1 and 0% effaced. They said that our son was back to back and that’s what was causing so much of my pain, but it wasn’t the real deal yet. They kept me until April 2nd when they sent me home at 3 cm and 70%. They said I was progressing too slowly to keep and they wouldn’t induce me until 39 weeks. Needless to say I went home crying at about noon that day. Things kept getting worse, my pain got worse, my contractions got worse, my pelvic pressure. Just everything. The doctor told me to go home and rest and hope that even with his position he would progress on his own. Also, with the pain I was I wasn’t able to keep ANYTHING down, not even an ice chip. I had hyperemesis my whole pregnancy and got infusions twice a week for it, but this was nothing like that. My body was in so much pain it didn’t know how to handle it. Finally I caved and we went back to the hospital that same night. Sure enough I was at a 6 now and 90% effaced. HUGE progress since I had been sent home. I was admitted again and they said this little man was coming! They took us to our room and asked if I wanted an epidural. I said yes, it wasn’t my intention to but I couldn’t handle the pain anymore after a week of it. Once they got all set up for it she asked me to let her know when I was between contractions. There wasn’t much in between, so the nurse insisted on checking me again first. Sure enough within a matter of 15 minutes I went from a 6 and 70% to 9 and 100%. This baby was not waiting for no one now. They broke my water and the dr told them to just give it to me in hopes it may kick in as my body was in so much distress from the past week. It didn’t work, but the effort was appreciated. I started pushing around 2 am and at 4:11 am our little man made his way into this world at 8 pounds 7 ounces 21.5 inches long. Due to all the stress my body was in I ended up having a 100.5 fever during delivery and he was born with one too. They did lots of tests on us both. I also lost A LOT of blood, but with some clotting medicine and iron they were able to get me steady again. After basically an all natural birth, blood loss, and fever, I about passed out after delivering our son. But it was worth each second. Come to find out after everything, the monitor was not picking up my contractions for the past week so no one really knew how close they were and what my body was going through. Because of this they turned my epidural off shortly after getting it thinking it slowed my contractions down. But he was worth it all💙💚❤️our little man Wyatt Edmund is here.