What pain could it be

I’m ttc I have been doing opk test so far I have got negatives . Meaning no ovulation happening yet. My last period was suppose to be 27march or later because I’m irregular. But instead I had brown discharge followed by a wipe of blood . But it didn’t last long . I didn’t even had to wear a pad or anything . For 5 days I was having brown discharge only when I go to wipe it. And it stopped apparently.

Just few minutes ago I started feeling pain on my left side which seems like in abdomen or even in ovary. Don’t know what to think .

Have any one else experienced any pain like that it’s not very sharp but sharp at same time. Lol 😂 it comes and goes.

Ps please don’t judge I’m ttc for first baby

Don’t know what’s happening

Very confused any helpful comments will be appreciated.