Folic acid supplement on top of folate?


So, I had two early miscarriages this fall/winter back to back, and have received recurrent loss testing that showed A1298C MTHFR mutation. Both doctors who I have seen (my OBGYN who ran the tests and the RE who I have seen for some additional exams) have said eh it’s not a big deal but told me to take folic acid supplements.

My current prenatal aid nature made brand and has folic acid and I have been taking it since July. I have been supplementing with 4mg of prescription folic acid since March. I’ve decided to switch to Smarty Pants brand with pure folate (plus iron separately) and not take any chances.

Is there a need for me to take the 4mg supplement if I’m taking the pure folate? I (semi) understand the logic if I’m taking folic acid that I cannot absorb, but am not sure in this case.

I’m planning to ask at my next appointment but that’s three weeks away. We are not yet actively trying again, but will sometime in May or June.