On the fence about my boss...

Vee & her boys👣💙

So I have a colleague who is also pregnant (shes 2 1/2 Weeks farther along). She stopped working about 2 Weeks ago at 36 Weeks. Shes not high risk or anything but our boss practically forced her to stop. He wanted her to go on maternity leave at 35 Weeks but she insisted. Now I just reached the 37 week mark and talked about how I wish to work 3 Days a week for the last two weeks before my due date. I would go on maternity leave literally 3 Days before DD. He did not say no but I had the feeling like I was asking too much. He asked if I intended to work from home the entire time too... Huuuuhhhh yeaaaaah!!!! I am not doing a 1:30 commute when I can work at home 5 min away from my hospital. I wasnt expecting that kind of answer. I am not sure how to deal with this. Am I just going hormonal or ?!!? I feel like I need to justify myself 😣