Confused & still hopeful


So has anybody ever thought they actually started their period then got a positive? My cycle is always pretty normal & regular. I was due on Saturday. Thurs I started, coz I got brown spotting, & that’s how I usually start, then turns into actual flow the same day or the next day. But in this case, didn’t turn same day, & the brown spotting actually got less or lighter through the rest of the day. Friday morning, nothing, like no brown spotting in sight, no AF. I used a pad. Saturday morning same thing. Nothing at all was happening down there.. My friend said take a pt, so I did, negative. Then throughout the day I would get a lil bit of brown residual stuff on tp when I’d wipe. So Saturday afternoon I decided to just kinda press with the toilet paper.. lol I was just thinking maybe it’s up there & it’s not coming down 😂 Silly I know. My period had never done this before. When I did that, then I got actual red with some brown stuff.. So I decided that was it, my period had started. But that was that. Nothing else. Used a pad all night to sleep. Woke up this morning, all that was on the pad was a lil spot of brown. Not sure if i even actually bled on the pad & it dried up & turned brown or if it came out just brown. Have been checking throughout the day & nothing. I even pressed again with the tp lol. My friends keep telling me the whole thing could be a positive sign & to test again if AF doesnt show up completely in a few days. I’ve been praying for a blessing 🙏🏼