Anyone else not meeting their delivery doctor until baby comes? 🖐️😰


So here's my situation.

I am seeing a pretty good obgyn right now (I'm 25.3 weeks) but she does not have the credentials to actually deliver. So if I continue to see her, I will not meet the person who is going to deliver my baby until I'm in full on labor.

Now I know there's a chance my Dr. Wouldn't be on call when I go into labor even if I did switch BUT I'm really struggling with the fact that I have no ability to meet or talk with my labor/delivery doctor prior to baby coming so I have NO clue if that person will be supportive of my birth plan and desires.

Plus this is my first child so I think being able to talk to that person would be helpful... I do really like my current obgyn tho.

What would you do in my shoes?