My mom is crazy controlling


I’m 17, and I’ll be 18 soon. I’m looking forward to being 18 because I was hoping it’d cause my parents to be less controlling because I often can’t do many of the things my friends are allowed to do. For my birthdays, I just hang out with my friends in my basement, but for my 18th I want to rent a hotel room with my girlfriends and go out (I’ll be a senior in highschool graduating in less than a month). However, my mom refuses to even talk about it. I want to have more freedom when I’m 18, and moving out is definitely not an option. If I move out, my mom threatened me by saying that they will not pay for my college or speak to me (I won’t be part of the family anymore). I don’t want to be like my brother, I can’t move out until I’m married. My brother moved out at 28, and when he was 28, my mom would still get mad at him and yell when he would come home at 2am. What do I do? I just want more freedom when I’m 18, but I’m not so sure I’ll be able to get it.