The moon


I know this may sound crazy but I come from a line of witches (not the good ones). But when ever I look at the moon I get drawn to it like how a big is to light and if i look at it to long I start get dangerously sad.....I dont know if it has anything to do with my family members being x-witch or it something else. If you have an idea please comment .

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The moon in paganism is believed to be a goddess. A goddess of fertility and motherhood. Whenever I feel like I can’t tell people something I tell the moon it.


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I have two possible explanations for you. First... the moon is a beautiful and wonderful thing. I think it’s natural for anyone to feel drawn to it. Second... now this might be a bit out there for some but I’m going to say it any way. If you come from a line of witches... you probably already know that many witches work with the cycles of the moon. I strongly believe in reincarnation... I also think it’s possible if you were a witch in a previous life... aspects of that could carry into this life whether you choose to practice witchcraft in this life or not. Either way... it’s nothing to be afraid of. The moon is beautiful. 💜


Julia • Apr 8, 2019