Thinking about things

I am married and I love my husband so much. It is really upsetting me to even think about this but I think we are on different pages right now. When we got together nearly ten years ago, I didn't want kids. I was very clear about that from the start, and he was happy with that. When we got married he started talking about kids and eventually i warmed up to the idea and I said ok - lets do it. It got exciting. We've been trying for 2 years with no luck. Now he has said he's changed his mind and doesn't want children any more. It is breaking my heart. But I can't force him. I have tried to talk to him about it and that just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean anything is wrong. He has vetoed us going to doctors to chat through options and has said I might as well go back on BC. I don't know what to do. I love my husband but I don't like this, or how he has put his foot down. Right now I can live with it but I am worried that if I just say ok that eventually I will resent him and I don't know what this will do to our relationship. I am feeling so unsure. I don't know what is happening. I am probably over thinking. Many one any advice that might help, or even make me feel better?