No more pelvic pain!


I don't know why this is. Im 37w now and last 2 days I have been pain free! I have been sleeping with a pillow or blankets balled up btwn my legs if on my side. The other nite and last nite I propped just my hips up with some pillows to take that pressure off my pelvic area too. For like 30 min I laid in bed with no pillow and I thought I'd have trouble breathing but I was fine!

Maybe that's what's done the trick?

Whatever it is tho I feel amazing. I was having trouble walking because everything was so stiff in that area. And of course I can move now and knocked out this house work that was piling up 💪

Idk think baby has dropped and idc if this means labor is close.

Im just happy to have a few days pain free and feeling like myself again!