I never thought I'd be raising my daughter on my own

I had that feeling, even though the tests I kept taking were coming up negative.. I just had that feeling. I was more than happy to finally see that plus sign on the test just a few weeks shy of my 27th birthday. Things were going very well, I had met a new man who made me happy and took care of me, so I thought. It never occurred to me that I had a thing for being controlled. My boyfriend and I got into a few small fights, nothing major. Then, it got much worse. He started the name calling, told me (after keeping sober for months) that I was never going to amount to anything. Mind you, this man still lived with his then girlfriend, and their 2 year old daughter..... But he promised that he loved me, wanted to be with me, was leaving her, and wanted a family with me.

Now what? Now he's telling everyone I begged for it, that the pregnancy "was my fault" because I asked for it. I have been his slave, he is also my boss for my job. Anything he needs done, Im on it. But he swore my patience would pay off. He's telling me one story, and telling his family and friends another... What do I believe? It's now been a year that we have been together... No progress. I am 5 and a half months along with my girl and I don't know if I can accept the fact that I will be bringing her home as a newborn to a camper to live. Just as soon as I find the confidence to leave (my family has welcomed me home with arms wide open) he draws me back in with those sweet words. How do I do this? How do I raise my little girl without him? What I thought was finally the right path for me, turns out it's all a giant mess with him tugging on my heartstrings.