Not okay!

So my husband has been really mean lately and its fucked up. He doesn't think he is being mean and blames me getting sad and emotional on me being pregnant and it fucking pisses me off! Like here are some examples of how he has been treating me, he just got home from work and I asked for a kiss and he made it seem like I was being needy, then he went to pee and I threw away TRASH from this morning that he was I guess using to collect urine to take a thc test. (We live in Denver) he has been trying to get clean for a new job) it was legit a medicine cup of my sons and I threw it away since he is done with that cold syrup. I didn't know he was using it for that at all and he got all mad and called me a fucking dumbass. Like wtf. Then just little things like he will get mad at me if I make the bed wrong, or heat his food up to hot or not hot enough, or if I set down to eat with him he will ask me to get up to get him a beer or drink right when I finally sit down at the table and I'm 34 weeks pregnant and he always does this, he won't ask me while I'm already up he will legit wait tell I sit and then ask me to get him something. Also he asks me to rub his back all the time and I do no issue, then I ask for it in return and it's a no, I'm very emotional and I just cry every time he is rude or says something mean to me (at least 1 time a day) idk wtf to do. I Just feel like I'm not good enough to him, every thing I do is not the right way to him, I tell him it's not okay how he has been acting and he just says whatever and walks away. Am I being dramatic or?