Still late.

I'm 19 days late and honestly I know something is up with my body I've never been pregnant before but I feel "off" I tested when I was 16 days late and I was still getting negatives so I gave up and thought yea your not pregnant af will be here soon here I am 3 days later no period but I haven't tested I've tried soaking in the tub and trying to bring my period but I do not feel like I'm gonna get a period anytime soon. 
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I feel your pain dear iam now 17 days late ! I haven't tested since last week it's so frustrating to see negative but still not having a period . Iam going to the doctor on friday they told me to wait as long as possible to get a blood test just incase my hcg levels weren't high enough . All my test at home keep saying negative :*(


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Why don't you go get a blood test?


Alivia • Sep 16, 2015
I had one done when I was 5 days late but it was negative