So frustrating

My cycles are around 7-8 weeks but I still ovulate, just super late. I have now experienced 2 miscarriages and I’m just starting to wonder if anything could be related to both. My doctor is still just considering it “bad luck” unless I have another one. But I don’t want to have to go through that heartbreak again.

I also seem to get pregnant easily but I just don’t keep them. My first cycle after stopping birth control my cycle was 8 weeks long. I actually conceived before getting my period, but I found out 2 days before I started bleeding so it was a chemical. I wasn’t tracking yet then so I don’t know when I ovulated.

The cycle after that was 7 weeks long, ovulating on CD35. I then ovulated about 5 and a half weeks after that on CD40 and conceived again. But would have put my cycle at around 7 weeks again. I carried that pregnancy longer but ultimately still lost that one after it’s heart stopped beating at 8w4d and just had a d&c last week at 12w3d.

I know they say early miscarriages are usually chromosome abnormalities. But is there something that causes the super long cycles that could also cause the miscarriages?