

Well it’s been exactly four weeks and one day since my D&C. I’ve been reading a lot on here about how every woman’s cycle has been after their loss (bad and how long) and after exactly four weeks and one day it came today.

This is good right? This means my husband and I can try again right after? YOURS WILL COME BACK TO!

This has had to have been one of the worst experiences I’ve ever had. I don’t wish this on anyone, I don’t wish all the pain and suffering even to my worst enemy (if I even had one). I believe all children should be here if we made them. But I guess there’s a reason why ours didn’t make it.

I’ve been having a lot of family members ask me as to why I made this, but in my heart I know it was the only way that I could cope. Being that it was our first pregnancy, I never wanted to forget my little raspberry. I wish we knew the gender, but it was way to soon to find out.

We made it to your heart beat, and lost you at 6w5d my 👼🏽