TMI picture and questions

Warning...TMI picture. 
I'm honestly not sure where I am at in my cycle at this point anymore. I have irregular cycles so it's hard to tell. I THINK I might be ovulating though because my cervix is slightly opened and I tested positive with an opk this morning (it was an old one though that according to the box had expired so I'm not sure I can trust it 100%) 
Anyway. Yesterday I had almost like a hollow ache in my vagina that lasted a better part of the day. Now today it's just plain sore down there. When I was checking my cervix I also noticed these traces of pink blobs of cm. Ovulation bleeding maybe? 
And this afternoon I've been having weird stomach pain. Not like upset stomach, just pain. 
I know this is a super long post and thank you for reading it! Any input is greatly appreciated. Just trying to figure out what's going on.