Need to vent! (Sorry it's really long)

Saima • 32 year old mommy to three great boys! Step son Vladi (9.19.09), Eddie (10.23.13) and newest addition Ozzie (7.31.15)!
I have been stressing about my milk since LO was born, he's now just over six weeks. I EBF the first two weeks, but ending up with nipples raw and open. LO lost 10% of weight and wasn't gaining it back etc. after several LC appointments, pediatrician appointments, and a cut tongue tie later, I had to switch to almost EP. I still occasionally try to nurse, but he falls asleep and is never satisfied etc. nursing now is mostly about emotions, not nutrition, pumping was working pretty well for us. I have been taking fenugreek, blessed thistle, Brewers yeast, chia seeds, oatmeal, mothers milk tea, so many hours of skin to skin before pumping sessions, even tried the mrs patels products (they tasted so bad I kept throwing them up). Religiously pumping every two hours for two weeks, and now am at every three hours round the clock. All of this in an attempt to build a supply. I have brought it up to about 3.5 ounce per session, but was still doing about one feeding a day with formula the last week so I could have a day's worth plus a bag or two in the freezer for my return to work yesterday. 
this past Sunday night, I pulled my SO into the kitchen and showed him the three bags of milk in the fridge and the couple in the freezer. Told him how much I have been trying to make sure he would have enough for my first day back (I work 10-12 hour shifts) and how emotionally invested I am in getting off formula altogether. 
Came home last night - all was well. 
Had an incredibly shitty day at work today, and in the middle of the day got a phone call that my mothers in the hospital (she's halfway across the country so I feel totally useless). Go to put my milk in the fridge and what is sitting in the shelf??? You guessed it! Yesterday's milk minus one feeding. I cried. He and his mom (she watches the kids for the evening when our work schedules overlap) had only used one of the feedings I worked so hard for.  
Here it is two hours later and I want to cry again. ACK!!!!!!!!