You guys! I haven’t had a period in months. My last natural one was last May. I went to the doc to see what was wrong and she put me on provera to help give me a period. I got one from September through December. She told me to skip it in January to see if I’d get one on my own. I did not. She then referred me to a GYNO. My GYNO ran multiple test, did 2 ultrasounds and come to find out, I have slight insulin resistance and PCOS. 😭 I never knew this because I never had symptoms and I have easily conceived and given birth twice. 🙏🏼🙌🏼💙💗 This broke my heart because I really want another child. 💔 She put me on metformin and told me to take it along with trying to eat healthier to see if I get my period back. I’ve only been on it for about a month and for the past few days I’ve felt extremely nauseous all day everyday. Remember, I have not had a period. Well something told me to take a pregnancy test today so I did. It came back positive immediately! I am so in shock words can’t even express how I’m feeling!! I honestly was starting to think that I just wasn’t going to have any more children. I was given two beautiful babies and I am ok with that if that’s God’s plan for me. Can I just say that He is good and He is ALWAYS on time!